Colour of the Year – Coral

Our homes, more than anywhere else, should act as sanctuaries from noise, people, commotion and the general hustle and bustle of the outside world. They should be a place to which we can retreat in peace, to surroundings of harmony and tranquillity. They should be somewhere that, whatever our own personal tastes, we find a pleasure in which to spend time to relax, entertain and most of all, enjoy. 

In this day and age there is a strong emphasis on the way we live our lives in terms of technology. This can take the form of a home cinema, top of the range sound system, up-to-the-minute kitchen gadgets, evolving artificial intelligence, phones and laptops or the seemingly unbreakable habit of tapping onto our social media platforms. So, it’s interesting to hear that there’s actually been a bit of a backlash to the onslaught of technology in our own environment in an unexpected form – colour

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It's All in the Polish

Two of René Dekker's signature features when it comes to creating a high end interior finish for his luxury design schemes, are polished plaster and bas reliefs. These inspired techniques create a stunning finish as well as a beautiful and unique focal point.

The former, polished plaster, is usually used on walls and ceilings because it gives a finish similar to that of travertine, polished marble or even limestone. Its main ingredients are marble dust, slaked lime, and marble chips. When applied in multiple thin layers and polished, these combined components give the surface a distinctive subtle and glamorous sheen that boasts an almost three-dimensional quality.

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