Apart from the practical benefits of a rug (the cushioning, comfort and warmth), rugs can also provide visual value to a room's design. Consider it, if you will, artwork for your floor. But how to choose one that is well balanced in terms of quality, size and pattern is a skill – a skill that luxury interior designer René Dekker can help you with.
Top London interior decorators such as René Dekker Design will know instinctively how a rug will affect a room, and will also know what shape, colour, and depth of pile to select. Many will use a rug as a starting point from which to choose paint shades and accessories for the rest of a room's scheme.
The use of texture when planning an interior design scheme is an element that is often overlooked and underused. Texture has the ability to completely add a significant dimension to any room, when carefully integrated into the design. Texure describes the surface quality of a material including the actual variations on the surface. This is generally referred to as physical texture. Examples of physical texture include, but are not limited to, wood grain, metal, leather, velvet, mohair, or grass cloth. The use of textures in a room can add a further dimension besides just the colour or look, but also how objects feel. These are differentiated from other types of texture because they have a physical quality that can either be seen or experienced by touch. When physical textures are combined with other forms to create a complimentary or even contrasting design, these are tools that a luxury interior designer can use to accentuate or even add personality to the interior. Continue reading Using Texture in Interior Design→